Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Orchestra

An orchestra is a group of people that play different instruments at a concert or a show. A conductor leads the people playing the instruments. The instruments go in different families. The families names are Percussion, Woodwind, String and Brass.

One of the musical families is the Strings instruments. The String instruments are played by plucking the strings or rubbing the bow across the top of the strings. My favourite String instrument is called a violin.

Another family of instruments are called Percussion. The Percussion instruments are played by striking or shaking the instrument. 

There is also the Brass family. The Brass family is made from shiny metal. 

The Bassoon is in the Woodwind family. The Woodwind section was originally made from wood. They are played by blowing into the mouth piece. 

When all the musical families join together in an orchestra the make peaceful music.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fugitive has Escaped!

Check the end of the video to discover who is the Fugitive?

This writing activity motivated students to write about a famous fugitive that has escaped and the students are the police informing the public of the description of the fugitive.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Numeracy- Multiplication

Zack has collected 9 baskets of pinecones.  Each basket has 12 pinecones. Can you work out the total amount of pinecones that Zack has? 

The video demonstrates how Isobel uses already known facts to solve a multiplication problem.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Accident

This is writing activity helps the student to sequence their writing. The comic strip is used as a motivation to write his/story…  This is Isobel's interpretation of the pictures
One quiet afternoon in the city it was a nice warm day. The people were shopping in the clothing section for the town party.

 I saw an old man with big framed glasses and he had a walking stick. I noticed he was almost going to walk on the road without looking.

  The old man stepped onto the road he didn't see the zooming coming near him!

Suddenly  the car came to a quick halt . The old man growled at the driver.

We are tomorrow finishing off our writing, so stay tuned for our final caption…...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Isobel's Homemade Tornado Video

The video was a part of Shakers and Movers Inquiry Unit.

Minor learning in other areas are for this video were :

To speak clearly in the video.
To use ICT to enhance learning

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How a Tsunami is Formed

A tsunami creates lots and lots of damage.

An earthquake is caused by large plates underground which smash together to make a massive earthquake. The pressure from the earthquake forms teeny waves in the deep ocean. Soon as the tsunami gets close to shore it forms a large wave.

An amazing fact is that a tsunami can move a thousand kilometres a hour. 

A tsunami creates extensive damage to towns and cities.

How a Tsunami occurs

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reading Assessment

Isobel is Reading at a Gold Level.
Her goals are highlighted.

  • Reads familiar high frequency words independently and automatically.
  • Reads silently normally. Also can read aloud confidently with expression and intonation. 
  • Reads a variety of texts with growing independence. 
  • Able to predict content and story development
  • Able to explain and refer to characters, events and settings
  • With support, can draw conclusions using identified information/ ideas in the text.
  • Beginning to justify simple prediction

Term 1 - Swimming

Next Step: To perfect breathing technique

Improve Kicking.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pencil Drawing

Walt: To use a pencil in a variety of ways to create shading and depth